Mary Sue
0 videos 151 views
Try not to use her because her entire character revolves around spamming the RT trigger, but hey I was bored.
Ninja droid
3 videos 139 views
if used correctly the commando droid can be extremely deadly to not just infantry but also heroes.
"trust your feelings"
3 videos 119 views
not many people care about star fighter but I think its about finding the right hero and normal fighter to use, these clips are examples of this.
Vehicle mayhem
0 videos 147 views
the destruction that vehicles and bring to the battlefront can be game changing these clips show how a simple speeder become the most powerful unit if put in the right situation.
"You are no match for me"
0 videos 177 views
Darth maul has always been one my personal favorite prequel characters and they definitely did him justice in this game, as shown in these vdeos of just how agile and deceiving he can be.
Yeeeee Hah!
1 video 134 views
Lando auto locking on to every body lmao
General Organa
0 videos 113 views
I dedicate these great clips of princess Leia in action to Carrie fisher let us remember her as leader of the rebellion not resisting.
The unstoppable Mary Sue
0 videos 118 views
Rey is a good character but definitely gets over rated by the developers of this game on her power in battlefront two considering she's held a light saber a handful of times if that.
The Janitor storm trooper we all love
0 videos 120 views
Finn is a good character but his game play is extremely boring so i wont have much video time with this playlist
No match for a food blaster
0 videos 128 views
Han solo showing up them wizards