14 achievements for 1000 Gamerscore
Brain Surgeon
Kill 20 enemies with the Cerebral Bore in a single player game
35 Gamerscore
Sacred Collector
Collect all 5 sacred eagle feathers in a single player game
75 Gamerscore
Master of Destruction
Assemble the Nuke weapon in a single player game
75 Gamerscore
Beware... Oblivion is at hand
Discover the first Oblivion chamber in a single player game
25 Gamerscore
Collect all 6 Primagen keys in a single player game
75 Gamerscore
By Your Powers Combined....
Aquire all 5 talismans in a single player game
75 Gamerscore
I thought only demons did that
Get two enemies of different species to fight each other in a single player game
50 Gamerscore
Mother of All Battles
Defeat the Mother
100 Gamerscore
Off With Her Head
Defeat the Queen
100 Gamerscore
We don't need no strategy guide!
Complete all missions and acquire all level keys in Lair of the Blind Ones in a single player game
50 Gamerscore
Set 50 enemies on fire with the flamethrower in a single player game
35 Gamerscore
Turok: Treasure Hunter
Find all secret areas in a single player game
80 Gamerscore
Crushing Conclusion
Defeat the Primagen
100 Gamerscore
Complete the single-player game on Hardcore difficulty
125 Gamerscore